Currently, in the news the H1NI influenza A virus, otherwise known as "Swine Flu" has been a major deal. The virus was given the name "Swine Flu" because laboratory tests showed the genes in the virus are like the virus that occurs in pigs called swine. In April of 2009, the virus was identified in Mexico, and the "epidemic" began. The H1N1 virus has many noticeable symptoms including a fever, sore throat, and headaches which can last up to a week. Those affected worst by the virus are people who suffer from asthma, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and pregnant women.
The sad thing about the H1N1 virus is that many deaths have been linked to it. A total of 4,747 deaths worldwide have been confirmed from the virus to this date. To this date, there have been cases of the H1N1 virus in a total of thirty-seven states, and more are expected. It is believed that half of the U.S. population will have the virus, causing 30,000 to 90,000 deaths.
The sad thing about the H1N1 virus is that many deaths have been linked to it. A total of 4,747 deaths worldwide have been confirmed from the virus to this date. To this date, there have been cases of the H1N1 virus in a total of thirty-seven states, and more are expected. It is believed that half of the U.S. population will have the virus, causing 30,000 to 90,000 deaths.
So the question is, what can we do to prevent this? A vaccine has been recently created and available currently. There is flu shot form of the H1N1 vaccine and also a nasal spray. The flu shot form comes as a double dosage with four weeks in between each shot. On October 6th, an estimated 600,000 nasal sprays were delivered. This nasal spray is currently in high demand, but it's expected that anyone who wants to be vaccinated will have the opportunity. A total of 250 million doses of the vaccine have been purchased by the US federal government.
In the state of New York, it is now mandatory that all health care workers who come in contact with patients be vaccinated for the regular flu and the H1N1 virus, or could potentially lose their job. I think this should become mandatory in all states, along with teachers being vaccinated because they come in close contact with students.
I feel that kids and adults should be vaccinated to prevent the H1N1 virus. As a parent, having your child vaccinated is the responsible thing to do. Receiving a double dose shot or a single nasal spray is much better than having the virus. Some people may think that they will not get the virus this flu season, but it's best to be vaccinated just in case. Some parents have began hosting "swine flu parties" in order to expose their kids to the virus. They do this in hopes their child will become immune to the H1N1 in the upcoming flu season. So when it comes down to it, I think that with the way the H1N1 is spreading, the smart choice is to become vaccinated and take precautions to avoid the virus.
In the state of New York, it is now mandatory that all health care workers who come in contact with patients be vaccinated for the regular flu and the H1N1 virus, or could potentially lose their job. I think this should become mandatory in all states, along with teachers being vaccinated because they come in close contact with students.
I feel that kids and adults should be vaccinated to prevent the H1N1 virus. As a parent, having your child vaccinated is the responsible thing to do. Receiving a double dose shot or a single nasal spray is much better than having the virus. Some people may think that they will not get the virus this flu season, but it's best to be vaccinated just in case. Some parents have began hosting "swine flu parties" in order to expose their kids to the virus. They do this in hopes their child will become immune to the H1N1 in the upcoming flu season. So when it comes down to it, I think that with the way the H1N1 is spreading, the smart choice is to become vaccinated and take precautions to avoid the virus.
I like that you wrote about something that is very common right now.