About a week ago, my mom picked out two large, orange pumpkins from the grocery store. We are a little behind this year because tomorrow is Halloween and we haven't even emptied out all of the seeds and gross stuff inside the pumpkins! Then, it will be time to carve the pumpkins. In my family, no one is very artistic so we rely on the pumpkin carving books and the designs labeled "easy." Chances are, my mom will end up carving them just hours before trick-or-treaters start to arrive.
Every year, I love going to Haunted Houses. I remember when I was younger; my mom would always take me to the one at Wilson Barn. I didn't get the opportunity to go this year and I really wish I would have. Another thing I love about Halloween is the candy. Weeks before Halloween, as you walk through the store, there are aisles filled with Halloween candy. My mom tends to buy candy early, and then my family finds it. Days before Halloween, she usually realizes she might not have enough and better buy more. Candy corn is just about one of my favorites, and the "Fall Mix" they have where theres all different types of it. Besides, candy corn, I absolutely love Resees Peanut Butter Cups. I've never missed a year trick-or-treating. Now, what will I be doing this year?
Saturday night, I'm going over to Sam's house with some other friends from school and people from our Homecoming group. Halloween is tomorrow and I haven't even decided what I'm going to dress up as. I'm running out of time, so I better act quickly! When I think back to each year, I can almost remember what I dressed up as every time. There are so many pictures from my first couple Halloween's. Once the night is over, and all of the houses shut their doors and turned off their lights, it's time to go back home.
The day after Halloween, that's when everybody starts focusing on one of my favorite Holidays. Christmas! You can pretty much turn the radio onto any station, and you will start to hear Christmas music. The next few days they begin to clear out all the Halloween decorations out of stores, and prepare for the next holiday, Christmas.
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