Friday, May 21, 2010
iPhone Factory in China: 8th Worker Dies
Friday, May 7, 2010
Through all the tough workouts and practices, I was enjoying track so much. At times I’d want to quit the workout but running is something I love so it wasn’t an option. Finally last week Monday, I was having sudden pains in both hips. I had an important meet the next day against Northville and I couldn’t sit out. My team was depending on me to win the mile and compete in the 800m. I pushed through the pain and ran a 5:51. To me, it wasn’t a decent time, but the pain began to become unbearable. I wasn’t able to walk, and right then the trainer took me back to my back and I began the long, cold icing process until the end of the meet. Just laying there, the pain was the worst I had ever felt, and I’ll admit I have quite a high pain tolerance.
This was one of the worst mistakes I had made, pushing through the pain and running got me third place and helped my team, but wasn't worth it was the pain and injuries I'd have for the weeks to come. I had put my team before myself, and now I was the one who'd be out. Once I got home, all I could do was lay there, and I couldn’t stand the pain. The sports medicine doctor made room for me immediately the next morning to come in for x-rays. After the x-ray came back, the doctor told me I had two fractured growth plates and they were beginning to separate from the bone. I’d be out of running for a little while and in physical therapy for about four weeks. Now about a week later, I’m slowly beginning to heal and the pain is lessening.
Running is one of the most important things to me, and just a week out of running has made me miss it even more. All I constantly think about is how I want to be out there running on the track and racing, but, I can’t. All the hard work put into preparing for the season is pointless now. Watching my teamates out there running their workouts and road runs is so hard to do because I'd do anything to be able to run right now. Being apart from running has taught me how much the sport means to me, and I’ve learned that these weeks of healing will make me stronger physically and mentally once I can come back out there and run.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Simun Blog
In order to prepare, I did a lot o research. To start off, I learned about India’s background and different important events that happened in roughly the last 100 years. I read different time lines and then we had a series of written questions that had to do with the scenarios. For each of the questions, we had to do some research. During the research, we learned that you won’t find one specific site that will have all of the information you need. It takes time and patience to learn. All of this prior research to SIMUN helped me prepare myself for the scenarios. If it wasn’t for the research questions, I would have been clueless as to what the scenarios were talking about. Another crucial part of my preparation was the research on who India’s allies were. This better prepared me for caucus time during SIMUN because I knew who I should first talk with.
Next year, I could better prep myself for SIMUN by doing a little bit more research and keeping up on current events that happen in my assigned country. That way, I will have more confidence when speaking and know that whatever the question is by another country, I will be able to answer it. Next year, I will assure myself that I know the Parliamentary Procedure better to help with my speaking. There’s room for improvement next year and am sure I will be able to do better.
Monday, April 26, 2010
The United States & Pakistan: India's View
Shanghai Girls
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Outdoor Adventure
One sunny, bright afternoon, Sara and I decided to go on a bike ride adventure. Pedaling and talking, we rode our bikes to a local park. As we rode towards the back of park, we came across an opening in the trees that led to the woods. Curiously, we peddled through and came across what looked like a large magical forest; it was full of trees, paths, mud and creeks. Since Sara took the lead, I followed right behind her and we suddenly stopped in front of a large stream. We stood there wondering how we would get across, but then noticed a large tree trunk lying across the flowing water. Water flowing, noises rushing, we made our way across the thin trunk. As I made my way across, all I could think about was falling into the stream. Reaching the other side of the stream led to a sudden relief. We were back to our bike ride until roughly an hour had paced of biking through the woods. Suddenly, we realized the time and knew it was time to get home. In a matter of twenty minutes, we had to find our way out and be home. Each path led to a new path and so on, but I had a feeling we were traveling in circles throughout these woods. We went across tree logs, streams and through mud. Our bike tires were covered in mud, along with our flip-flops. After searching to find our way out, we saw a friendly woman walking her dog and asked her for directions to find our way out. Luckily, unlike us, she knew where she was going. She directed us straight and said to keep following that path. As we walked straight, the path that led there had a huge, deep pile of mud. We walked our bikes through there and came out of the puddle even muddier. Then, the path slit into two. “Which way to we go,” we both asked. We chose one and realized it wasn’t leading us anywhere, and made our way back to the original path. Once we went the opposite way, it didn’t lead us back to the park woods entrance, but instead on Merriman road, roughly a mile from our house. What an adventure we had, but it’s safe to say, next time we go riding through the woods, we better remember how to get out.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Florida Weekend

I would be staying the weekend at my grandparent’s condo with my older sister. Saturday morning, we went out for breakfast and attempted to walk down the pier at the beach. Halfway down we had to turn around because the wind was so strong. I couldn’t even see where I was going because my hair was blowing across my face. After a walk down the beach and collecting sea shells, it was time for some shopping. We went to the mall and stayed there the afternoon, followed by a nice dinner.
Every night we were there, we watched the Vancouver Olympics, beginning with the night of the opening ceremony. Sunday morning we went to a market and out to lunch. Later, we took a walk to the pool and layed out at the pool. I was hoping to go in the water, 60 degree weather outdoor temperature just didn’t sound too appealing. Later that night for dinner, we went to a pizzeria where they served just about every type of pizza ever invented. Next, we went to an ice cream place called “Sweet Treats.” You picked an ice cream and any other add-ins you wanted.
Finally it was Monday, the day I’d be coming back home. We began our day by going out to breakfast, then out for some more shopping. I got a Florida sweatshirt, and then went to a nice jewelry store. We went home and packed up our suitcase, and it barely fit the weight limit. My grandparents dropped us off at the airport three hours early, and we waited and waited until they finally began to board our plane. Although I didn’t get to go in the water at the beach or in the pool, I had a good time. I was on my way home after a disappointing but enjoyable weekend in Florida.